Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bad Post-er, Big Update

So, I have been lagging on the posts. I know. I suck. But now that my computer's internet is not working, I am so bummed that I can't do a posting with pics (even though I could have posted with pictures before my computer got messed up). All my pictures are on my computer (it went haywire right after I finished downloading new ones from the weekend on Sunday night), so, as not to get too behind, I will post without pics & then post without words once my computer is all better!

Each day we get settled into Lincoln more & more. I think I said this before, but I will again. I am really liking it up here. I love that our little family has a home & a new life together. Wer are like the 3 muskateers. Miles & I are making new friends every week thanks to play groups. I joined one through the city of Lincoln, started my own with the new friend I met at the model homes a few weeks back (forever now to be referred to as Lori) & crash in on Amber's groups every other week or so. Everyone I have met has been really nice & it is super cool that we are all in the same stage of our lives (more or less) & instantly have stuff in common. I hosted a play group at our house which was a lot of fun. I am so excited that I have the space to do things like that now! I made Mrs. Parker's zuchinni bread for everyone & it was a huge hit. Thanks Sara for the recipe! Even the babies chowed down!

In other life news, I got a job! Crazy, I know & it happened so fast! I had really been missing my work as an OT & was trying to figure out a way to work & not put Miles in childcare. So, I am going to work one weekend per month at Sutter Hospital in Roseville to "keep up my skill", bring in a little extra cashola & remeber that I have an identity outside of Mom & wifey. I am super excited & I think it will be a great thing for our family. Mike will get time with Miles (and a new sense of how much work - & fun - he can be!) & I will get to feel like a financial contributer to the fam as well as a member of society outside of the mommy world I am creating here. Excellent all around!

I also hosted a baby shower for my cousin this past weekend. I just love doing stuff like that & had so much fun decorating & cooking for the event. My mom & I cooked all the food for the celebration the night before & I was very nervous about how it would all turn out. I used Amber's "recipe" for stuffed pasta shells which goes something like this: "Oh, you know, some scallions & garlic browned in olive oil & then toss in some ricotta cheese & whatever spices sound good to you, I use some...". Not exactly by the book, but all turned out amazing. I was so proud! We also had a veggie lasagna that was delicious too! I am turning into quite the domesticant, I tell you. My Mom was certainly a big help with everything & I couldn't have done the shower without her. My Mom really is awesome. It was wonderful to get to do something like this with her too. It was our first co-hosting experience ;) I hope we will have more in the future. We make a good team (as long as I can be the leader - so type A am I). Chrissy looked amazing. You would hardly believe she is 36 weeks along. I can hardly believe baby "Yute" (that is big sissy Lily's pronunciation of "Luke") will be here in less than a month! I can't wait to hold a new born that I don't have to wake up 3 times in the middle of the night to nurse!

Anyway, that's about it for the past couple weeks. I am sure I could type more (I am such a blabber-typer) but I really want to go read "I Know This Much is True" by Wally Lamb before my bedtime. Miles has been waking up at 5:30 a.m. the past 2 days. Grrr. If he wasn't so darn cute, I tell ya'...

Oh, BTW, he is pulling to stand, saying "Hi" while waving & doing advanced calculus. That's our boy!


Sara Parr said...

Throw in a little shout-out to see if I'm reading, eh?! And I AM!! YAY! Glad to hear you all are doing so well!

Mama Dubs said...

Hil I am so glad to see that you all are doing so well! Congrats on the new job- you definitely need the adult interaction sometimes! We miss you lots!!! Take care <3