Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sick of being Sick

There is an epidemic in Lincoln. It is a gnarly cold that requires you to wrestle with your arching & flailing baby to wipe the green boogs that drip from his nose continuously throughout the day. So grotesque. I don't want to be one of those Mom's whose kids walk around in public with boogers crusted to their face, but I see why those kids exist now. Wiping boogers sucks. So much in fact that looking past crusty faces is possible.

So Miles got sick for the 2nd time in a month this past week. The cold hit just in time for Grammy & Papa's visit too. Miles was in good spirits for the most part, though & I think it was beneficial to have grandparents around to hold him 24-7 like he wanted. I just hope Grammy & Papa don't fall ill like I seem to have done. I am so congested that it is embarrassing to say anything that begins with the letters "m" or "n". And sadly, when I feel like crap my patience level plummets. I look for any signs that Miles is tired so I can put him down & get a nap in myself. Poor baby. Bad Mommy.

We went to the doctor today & it turns out he actually has an ear infection. I was so sad to get that news, but relieved when I went & picked up his medicine & realized it was that delicious pink amoxycilan I loved so greatly in my own childhood (so...no battles to get Miles to take the meds). I gave him his first dose at dinner tonight & he sucked on the medicine dropper to get every last bit out!
Aside from the boogers & ear infection, life has been really good. We have been unusually busy with lots of appointments to get me ready to start my new job. When you work at a hospital you have to take tons of health exams yourself before starting work. All the appointments I have had to go to have thrown me for a loop because I am not used to having things to do at specific times. I have gotten way lazy as a stay at home mommy & very used to doing things on my own timeline.

As I mentioned earlier, we had a visit from Lynda & Harlis the past week, which was amazing! I love them sooo much (& how cool is that to be able to genuinely say that about my in-laws?!) & having them in our home was so comfortable. I miss them terribly & my OC-sickness really kicked in during their visit. It was awesome to be able to act as hosts to the people who have given so much to us over the years (or, I should say, Mike's whole life!).

Since I have last posted, I got to go on a girls night out (had fun, but realized I am over the club scene - I felt like such a MOM!!!), had a vist from the Martinez's (added to my OC-sickness but I am recovering), spent some time in Chico helping my Mom recover from surgery (it went really great - whew! Praise GOD for answering our prayers), did some shopping with my bro, hung out with the Laney's (surprise, surprise) & have just enjoyed our little family. I have to say, life is good. I feel blessed & thankful.

Hope you all feel that way as well.

OH! And, I got my computer fixed for really reals too! My posts should be more frequent! Thanks for not giving up on us ;)

Little Sick Face

Tubby Time

I LOVE thsi face!!!

1 comment:

The Bradys said...

So glad your still alive!! And i was the same as far as crusty green faces go... i swore i never would be a mom who let their kids lok that gross. That ll passed when i relaized there is just nothin u can do about it. lol Miles is so big i cant believe it. Hope u guys are planning a trip down soon! miss u guys!