Wednesday, December 3, 2008

2 Crazy Days

The past 2 days were nutty. I am typing this & I should be going to bed. But, I have to wait until at least 9:30 to pump (ugh, how much I loathe pumping is a whole blog posting in itself), so I am typing this post to pass the time & decompress from the past two physically & emotionally exhausting days.

We are getting so close to moving into our new house that if I close my eyes I can practically feel the key in my hand as I turn the lock on the front door. I start to actually get giddy just thinking of how giddy I am going to feel as Mike & I cross the threshold of our new home with a box in our arms. Friday is supposed to be the big day if all goes as it is supposed to with the closing of our loan. Our "docs" were supposed to be returned from the lender on Friday...then Monday...then Tuesday morning FOR SURE (you get the idea?). Our mortgage broker & my cousin Chrissy were working their butts off to get them back asap, but all the nagging in the world couldn't seem to get the lender to move a little faster (must have still been under the intoxication of triptophan from turkey leftovers or something - grrr). We had to get the docs to the escrow company before we could do all the final signing away of our lives. And, the signing had to take place at the escrow company, which is in Sac, by Wednesday at the latest if we were to have any sort of chance of closing by Dec.5 as the contract from the seller stipulates. Add the stress of this time constraint to the "mommy stress" I was feeling based on the fact that Miles had to come along for all of this & you could say that I was kind of unwound. Why did I have "mommy stress" from having to bring our precious angel to our signing in Sac, you ponder? Well, Miles is a wonderful baby (as you have all read about) but the kid is not a fan of the car. If he does sleep in the car, he screams for 30 minutes before doing so. And I mean, screams. Sacramento is 1.5 hours away from my parents house in Chico. I have NEVER driven by myself with Miles for that long. Needless to say, I was dreading our little road trip.

I waited around the house all morning (& then all afternoon) on Tuesday to get the call that the docs were in & we had a scheduled time to sign by the end of the day. At 1:45, I was informed that the docs STILL weren't back - but (if I could swing it) I should start driving down to Sac (just in case the docs came back by 3:30 & we could sign at 4:00) because we needed to get these darn papers signed asap so things could stay on track for our Dec. 5 deadline. If the docs didn't come back by the end of Tuesday, we could sign early this morning (meaning Wednesday) & all would be good still. Thankfully, we were able to stay at Brian & Amber's house in Stink'n Lincoln if the morning signing was what we had to do (Lincoln is 20 minutes from Sac). Well, I could "swing it" so I ran around like a crazy lady & loaded up the car (I had to come back into the house 3x after locking the door & starting up the car because I remebered I forgot my wallet, then the directions & finally my christmas CD - hehe).

I was pleasantly surprised (& growing more nervous by the minute) when I hit Oroville (20 miles) & Miles was happy as a clam chewing on his carseat strap. By the time I made it to Marysville (60 miles) & Miles was still totally chilling, I felt like either GOD was cutting me a big break or Miles had taken a huge poop (which he often does while sitting in his carseat - go figure) & was totally happy revelling in the new relief that had overcome his little body. Some small whining began in Whetland (70 miles) but 20 repetitions of "Itsy Bitsy Spider", 10 "skida-marinky-dinky-dinks" & at least 20 verses of "Down by the Bay" later we made it to Brian & Amber's house without more than a small whimper. Whew. I was soooo happy. And, yes, Miles had made a HUGE poop (& I am sure GOD cut me a break along the way as well). I finally got the call from our MB that the docs had not come in (stupid turkey eating lenders!) but was guarenteed that they would be back by the morning. I was too tired to be really p-o'd at the lenders, I trusted my MB & was feeling way too happy about the AWESOME car ride & the fact that I got to have a slumber party with the Laney Family. So, it was all good.

Brian & Amber have Abby (2.5) & Mason (6 mo.). Miles is seriously 2x Mason's size & it is hilarious to sit them next to eachother. I think Mason is in the 11% for height/weight & moosey is in the 85th. Amber couldn't get enough of Miles's chunker thighs & I couldn't get enough of holding Mason, who was sooo light & easy on my back. Miles couldn't get enough of Abby. Every time she would talk, he would start flapping his arms & legs in overwhelming excitment. Then he would laugh & bury his head in my shoulder. It was so flipp'n adorable. I couldn't even give him a bottle with her in the room because he was too excited.

Amber made an amazing dinner of chicken enchiladas (thanks Julia Child!). We sat on the couch chatting, drinking some wine & listening to Mike serenade Abby with the mini-guitar & made up songs to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon" before getting all the babes down for the night. Amber & I went out to our house later that night & spied in all the windows with a flashlight. So excited! I love that Brian & Amber are only going to be 5 minutes away. Love it.

Miles had a rough night sleeping (boo). Brian & Amber have lots of really cool electronic stuff with little neon lights. Miles woke up & then wouldn't go back to sleep because he was so enthralled by these little lights in every room. After 2 hours of trying tons of different ways to get him to go to sleep, he finally went down for good in Mason's crib (Mase ended up in Mommy & Daddy's bed earlier). I learned that my kid is a very picky sleeper (just like me). Not good.

We got word that the docs were finally back & ready to be signed early this morning (Woo-hoo!). I loaded up the car & by the time I hit Roseville (7 miles) I had a screamer. And, itsy bitsy nothing was cutting it this time. Miles yelled for 30 minutes until Daddy unloaded him from the car, fresh with giant alligator tears (I hate that). Signing docs took forever because I wanted everything explained to me (thanks Clay!), but Miles did really good through it all & napped on Mike's shoulder for 45 minutes while we signed our name about 1,000 times.

Then a ton of other stuff happened (bank wiring woes, running into Bre, meeting Sarah, seeing Michael Cook), but this posting is WAY too long to go into any more details of all that. Are you still reading this? I need to pump!

To finish my looong tale off, the docs got signed, the money got to where it needed to be, Miles screamed the whole way home (the whole way home) & we still are praying that all will go according to plan & Friday will be the big day. Please, please, please.

Oh, & Mike wants me to give a shout out to Kyle "the RZA" Ray...I need to go to bed.

1 comment:

Coldani Family said...

You are too funny! Sounds like a crazy couple days, Ill keep my fingers crossed for Friday. Congrats!