Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Miles: 7 months (& a little 8 month stuff too!)

Miles officially turned 8 months on December 23. With all the hectic activity of moving & holidays throughout the month of December, I feel like the 7th month of his life just went by in a flash. My little baby is getting so big & I am reminded everyday as I see him crawl around the floor or strong arm me from giving him lots of smooches that he isn't going to be my baby bubba forever and this time is so precious. I am very grateful that I have been able to be home with him full time (even though I have my bad days & going to work seems like it would be a treat!). The idea of going to work part-time one day still lingers in my mind (I really love my job as a pediatric OT) but I definately don't think that will happen until after the monkey is at least 1 (which is only 3.5 months away!)
So, a little 7 month review on the babe. Miles made a great transition to our new home & his night time sleep was mostly disrupted by the erruption of 4 new chompers! I tell you, my kid has more teeth than some 2 year olds! He has 6 in total & when he gives you a big grin, it's the funkiest (& most adorable) looking thing ever. Miles is such a happy baby & he has started to really crack up laughing often. Needless to say, we love it. The "big kids" really get him going & my neice Lily or little Abby have sent him into giggling fits just by saying "Boo!". I walked in the house yesterday after going outside briefly only to find he & Abby staring at each other in hysterics. No surprise to Mike & I, Miles is a great eater & we found out he LOVES brocoli (? spelling?) just like dadas. He became very skilled at pointing & loves using his little index finger to point at details on toys or just to stare at in pure amazement. It cracks us up. He became quite the talker in the last month too. He started consistently saying "mama" & he babbles, yells, sings, schreeches. gurgles (you name it) A LOT! Usually I know he has pooped by the magnitude of the happy babbling I am getting to enjoy! He still oves the company of his mama but he started playing better by himself while I do chores (boo, chores.)

The day he turned 8 months he started crawling (still army to date, but quick & with many attempts to get that belly off the ground!). He knows he is not suposed to touch all the TV equipment (& I know this because he looks back at me while cruising towards it) but it is all he wants to do. A new type of media storage might be in our future! He recently started saying "Dada!" too which makes the score even. He is finger feeding (lov'n the puffs) & using his pincer grasp to get the food into his mouth. Mama OT is so proud! When he gets lazy or using his fingers gets too tricky, he just face plants the puffs on his tray! I love watching his little face look up with puffs stuck all over it! He has really developed some "boy-type" tendencies like banging, pulling hair & biting :( He doesn't know any better, and he gets something in his mouth & he just wants to bite it with those new pearly whites. He bit my face the other day while giving me a kissy. No more kissy's for awhile. It seriously hurt. I still wish I could pause time because I am so in love with my baby, but I catching on that each month just gets better & better.

A few updated pics below. So happy I figured out how to add them!

Standing like a big boy with Grandma

Oh, this face! Get ready Maddi June ;)

So flexible!

A chunk-a-monk picture just for Amy!


The Bradys said...

LOL thanks for my chuckamunk pic!!! Cant believe how big he is getting! and cuter by the day. Im sad were missing the army crawl.. i think its the funniest thing ever!! Ya watch out for the chompers... wy bit me one day and i almost bled!!! baby teeth are sharp man!!!

Coldani Family said...

He is darling!!