Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Starting to Get A Life

Mission "Get A Life" has been going pretty well so far. Granted it has only been one week, but I am pretty proud of how proactive I have been at putting myself (or should I say "ourselves") out there to make new friends here in Lincoln.

I went & cruised some model homes last week (one of the things I had listed to do just to get out of the house!) & ended up meeting 3 very nice young mommies. Two had just moved here within the last 4 months, & 1 had moved from Huntington Beach! Our kids are around the same ages, so we exchanged numbers. I got the courage up to call the mommy, Lori, on Friday (so weird having to make friends - it is like dating! Or what I guess dating would be like...) & we had an easy conversation & made a playdate for tomorrow. Piece of cake ;) I also went to Amber's play group on Friday, where some of the other Mom's had their less than 1 year olds. Miles got to play around with these little ones, I got some adult interaction & hopefully some new friends! The playgroup resulted in an invite to Dana & Hugo's house for a play off game party this past Sunday. The tribe went with the Laney family & had a really great time. I even met a mommy who lives around the corner from us with two boys (one Miles's age) who is Physical Therapist! Too cool. Lincoln has a formal "Mom's Group" & I sent in all my stuff last week to become part of it. Hopefully I will be getting hooked up with my very own play group with babies Miles's age soon. I am really looking forward to it!

The weather in Lincoln (& all of Cali!) has been gorgeous & I am liking our new home more & more each day. There is so much to do around here & it is really beautiful. This weekend we enjoyed taking walks, attempting to explore Sacramento (yuck! Not a fan - we ended up in the ghetto, happened to be next to an outdoor shopping mall - whatever!), hanging outside & visiting with my Mom, Dad & bro. I got to spend some time with Uncle Billy yesterday just the two of us while Grandma hung with Miles. It was great to get out of the house solo for a bit & to get that time one on one with my brother - it had been awhile.

Miles has been the dream baby lately, which has made for a very happy Mommy. Not that he has been anything less before, but I am just over the moon for him lately. He is so freak'n adorable & his personality is just exploding. He has learned how to wave & say "Hi" in this precious little baby voice. He smiles constantly with this huge 6 teeth grin. And I seriously think his eyelashes grew an inch in the last week. Ugh, I am so whipped. He has begun crawling on all fours (creeping) & our home is now his personal obstacle course! He still has trouble "creeping" on our tile floor & I tease that I will wrap him in swiffer's so he can help with the house work. It would be nice, keeping tile clean is a pain in the you know what. It may be time to wean him off nursing too, which makes me super sad. But, he has been biting me - hard. I know, cringe, OW! He doesn't get how bad it is to do that either so he smiles at me while biting which makes it much worse. My breasts hurt just thinking about it.

On that note, hope the week is off to a good start for all!


Caley said...

im liking the video post! good job!! Glad you are making friends... and I hear you are having some vistors of some old ones this weekend! How fun!!!! Enjoy! xoxo cal

Christina said...

Good for you for getting out there and meeting new people!! Sounds like everything is going great in Lincoln. So happy for you guys!