Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Week Days...

Amber & I decided that Tuesday's are kind of funky as a stay at home Mom. The weekend is too far away to look forward to & the blues can kind of set in if you don't have things lined up to do. With the holidays, I managed to keep myself pretty busy in a town where we know 4 people (our lovely Laney fam!), but now that the holidays have passed & we are well into January, I need to get a life!!! There are plenty of things to keep me busy around the house still - pictures to hang, dishes to wash, baby food to make (yes, I am still doing that!) but a little social interaction is always nice. Of course, at times of social need, it is pretty easy to succomb to spending money on random things you don't need at Target (anybody, anybody?) so I have been brain storming free things Miles & I can do during the week days. On my list so far: Go for walks, visit the library, tour all the model homes, have Ambie & the kids over for lunch, explore new parks, cruise the Galleria (kind of dangerous for that spending money thing, though), volunteer with church, attend Mom's group playdates (soon - just sent in my info to get hooked up with Lincoln Mom's group), AND...any other ideas you stay at home mamas?

Since it has been GORGEOUS outside (80 yesterday!), I think Miles & I are going to explore a new walking trail today. Mike found one around a little lake that is not too far from our house. I took a long-ish walk with Miles last week when it was nice & sad to say, I think I got a minor case of shin splints. How pathetic is that!!!

This past weekend blessed us with gorgeous weather as well & we took advantage of it by heading to the most awesome park I have ever seen (no joke - I wanted to play! I did wait in line with a bunch of 5 year olds for a turn to go down the BIG slide!) Miles had fun watching the other kids & taking turns with Mommy & Daddy going down the slides. As one picture revealed, I think the slide was a little scarier for him that we may have realized!

Just one half of the park; LOVE the slides!

Cute pic of Ambie & Mase; A then theres Mike..

Check out the teeth & the new goofy face Miles likes to make while snorting

Officially my favorite picture. Check out Miles!

Miles crashed out after a fun day

After the park we had some lunch at a new place called the "Habit". The tuna burger I had was delicious & I think we will be regulars at his place. We had the Laney's over for dinner later because we just can't get enough of them & I had to make up for the fact that I invited them over for roast the weekend before only to realize that the meat took 2.5 hours to cook instead of 1.5! We ended up dining on Jack in the Crack! I went all out & made 2 roast chickens (a la Costco!). We had a pretty calm night (Brian hung our ceiling fan so we now have light in the family room!) until Brian decided he wanted to play a game of hide & seek with Abby before going home. I have some cool boxes from the delivery of our kitchen chairs that he thought would be the perfect hiding spot. He pratically had to beg Abby to play with him because she was so into the Jungle Book, but she finally came around. He ran into the living room to hide while she was counting & we immediately heard a huge crash! Brian tripped on his own shoe & fell into our wall creating a lovely little crater! I can't be mad because it was a total accident. I am just glad that Brian is so handy & can fix it for us no problem. Plus, the whole thing was pretty funny.

Sunday was a mellow day of yard work & hanging as a fam. It was actually a great day. I went to a church that I really liked & plan to go to again next week. It is a small church, but the sermon was great & the music was fabulous. We sang praise to Bongo drums - loved it! Other than that we hung out in the sun & watched a movie after the monkey was off to dream land (Stardust - a must see for all you Princess Bride fans). I was sad to see Monday come & Mike go back to work :( Why can't weekends be 3 days at least?
Mike working his land

Me posing with yard tools

1 comment:

Coldani Family said...

Sounds like a fun week.
Yes Target can get out of control so quickly, how does that happen!! And I wanted to try to make my own baby food too...any tips??