Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Brush Your Teeth!

In these last several days, I have realized yet another way in which I have been spoiled as a stay at home mommy. I had a ton of things to do to on Friday, my first official day of work on Sunday & a days worth of dental work on Monday. Each of these days, I had to be somewhere at a specific time, & I couldn't be late. This was horrible for me. I am a notoriously late person as it is, but after 11 months of doing things each day on my timeline, having to be some where at a certain time again really sucked. I don't know how working mothers do it each day. Seriously, you are amazing. Amazing.

My first official day at work went pretty well. I am working at Sutter Hospital doing in patient rehab 1 or 2 weekends a month. This will hopefully work out great for our family since we won't have to worry about child care & I will be able to keep my therapy skills up to date. Mike gets to bond with Miles & I get to feel like a contributer to our household finances again (which is important to me, even though Mike could care less). I love doing OT in any setting, but I forgot how rough hospital work is. I had a 20 minute lunch, peed once & was on my feet or doing chart reviews the rest of the day. I know, wah, wah, wah, but seriously, I came home so tired! And, Daddy did an awesome job with Miles. He was fed, happy, in "day" clothes and napped. However, the contents of drawers & cabinets in our bathroom were spread all over our room, toys were everywhere & my type A, OCD cleanliness could hardly deal. As tired as I was, I cleaned up the whole house before I sat down. I am a sick person, I know.

Monday was a sad, sad day. I sat in a dental chair from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m.. I have the worst teeth ever. During my pregnancy & since our move, I have just let things go. This resulted in baby cavities becoming monster cavities with a monster bill attached. Everyone was really nice & I watched a DVD & read a magazine through the whole process, which was relaxing in an odd way. I almost cried after the hygeinist lectured me about flossing & brushing after meals. I felt like such a dirty person, but I am not! I am an avid brusher (so-so flosser) & not an orally hygeine challenged person. But, my teeth just rot! My husband on the other hand can fall asleep without brushing his teeth every so often, eat insane amounts of hard sugar candies & NEVER floss, and he has 1 cavity. ONE! Just got his first filled last month! Are you joking me! I pray Miles inherits his teeth genes. If not, we better start saving now.

We ( & by "we", I mean Mike) layed sod in our backyard this weekend! I am so excited to have a backyard with grass to play on! We have been staring at weeds for 4 months & the green is so pretty. Mike (with the help of Brian Laney for a large part of the project) did an awesome job! He worked his arse off & it really payed off! The sprinklers have posed a slight challenge even though Mike trouble shooted the system before putting down the grass. We are so happy for the rain, though! I hope it helps our grass take root ;) It would be so sad to see all that hard work die because of a stinky sprinkler. We are watering like crazy to make sure that doesn't happen, though. If it does, I am sure I will be laying down the next batch of grass! I know Mike is over ever doing that again!

I have pictures, but true to form, I haven't down loaded them yet! I will soon...

Miles is fabulous. He is in a super stinky boy phase, though. He bangs & throws everything. I spend my whole day saying, "No, no", "No touch" & redirecting him over & over again. Good thing he is so cute! He has added the word "Hot" to his vocabularly (which consists of baby, mama, dada & Hi). He has learned that the sign "more" can be used for everything! No steps yet, but I think he will be a later walker. He cruises that buggy all over the place, though. Looks like he has inherited Mike's speed. That kid is quick!

And, a BIG congrtulations to Joe, Kyra & Gianna Barale who welcomed Abriella "Abbi" Mae on 4/2. Kyra was amazing & had her a'natural! This is especially impressive since she had to have a c-section with Gianna. Kyra, you are my inspiration!


Coldani Family said...

You are so funny. Your posts always crack me up. Good Luck with the teeth and the sod!!

kp said...

Getting back to your hospital roots, definitely NOT like on TV =)