Monday, November 17, 2008

Family Weekend

Another week begins & we get another day closer to moving into our new house! The big day is going to be on or before December 5th, which means we will have Miles's first CHRISTmas in our new house. I can't wait to put up a tree & just relax at night staring at the lights & letting my mind wander. Christmas time is the best...

I haven't written too much about our new "home sweet home" but that does not mean I am not over the moon excited! I honestly became overcome with exhaustion once our offer was accepted & we got all that crazy/stressful loan stuff taken care of. I finally feel like I can relax a little & take in the moment. Mike & I have been fantasizing about all the fun things we want to do to make the house our very own. We are so happy that we found a great house in the neighborhood we really wanted. I am looking forward to sitting our our porch with Michael on weekends (We have a porch - love that!) & watching Miles cruise around on a Big Wheel or play with the tons of neighborhood kids. We are so excited to explore our new surroundings too; we are learning that there is so much cool & kid-friendly stuff to do in Placer County. And any of you that want to come visit, you are welcome! I am really looking forward to being a hostess & finally getting to use all that stuff we got as wedding gifts 2 years ago!

In the meantime we are chill'n in Chico & it has been insanely beautiful here. The weather is warm & the trees are to die for pretty. My cousin Christina & her daughter Lily came up this past weekend to enjoy the beautiful days with us. Lily is the cutest thing ever (& I am not just saying that because she is family!) She is by far one of the smartest 2 y/o I have ever met & just chatted us up all weekend. One of the cutest things was how she thanks mommy for wiping her bottom during a diaper change! I am for sure going to teach Miles to do that! Miles adored Lily & from the minute she walked in the door he was all smiles & laughs. Lily loved that she could make him crack up by saying "Boo!" & that was her thing with him all weekend long. She is going to be such a great big sister to little Luke come March!

We had a busy weekend, filled with dinner at Tres Hambres (Lily slept on the floor after she was done eating!), a trip to Lake Oroville to see the salmon/steelhead jumping the ladder on their way to spawn (sadly, most of the fish were done jumping), taking walks & shopping. Sunday was Michael's birthday (Happy Birthday Shout out honey - I love you & so glad you lived another wonderful year!!!) At Mike's request, we kept it low key & enjoyed some strawberry ice cream cake in celebration. In fact, I am enjoying it again right now. Mmmm. The dairy will get me later, but it is so good in this moment. Maybe in a few months from now, Michael will get a golf cart to cruise around our new hood in as a belated b-day gift from his loving wifey ;) In case you didn't know, Lincoln is electric golf-cart/car crazy! They have special street lanes for golf carts & golf cart parking at the stores - it is super cool & environmentally friendly! A golf cart is definately on our fantasy list!

A quick Miles Alexander update before I go. Uh, he is just the BEST! He is full of giggles lately & I am in heaven. Since yesterday he has been babbling up a storm which just makes my heart beam. I love hearing his little voice outside of grunting during tummy time (or doing a doody!), whines or full out wails of unhappiness (which are rare - I am blessed). His little ga-ga-ga's while smiling hugely & flashing white bits of 2 new bottom teeth are the inspiration of hallmark cards. It is amazing he has been so jovial too because this morning I noticed he is cutting 2 new top teeth - just in time to get them for Christmas - hahaha! I hope he has them in time for Christmas pictures too - how adorable would that be? I am going to miss his gummy smile of course, but I just have to laugh imagining how goofy & adorable he is going to look with 2 more chompers. Oooh, better not call them that - I am still nursing & that sends shivers down my spine.



Sara Parr said...

Is that a picture of your actual house?! It's ADORABLE!!! We will DEFINITELY come visit this winter! Congrats and love the blog!! (Woah, lots of exclamation points there...but all much needed for this exciting time!)

The Bradys said...

the house is gorgeous! im so happy for u guys (although i wish it was here!)cant wait to visit :)

Christina said...

Lily and I had the best time! She keeps asking about baby Bentley (aka baby Miles) She misses him!!! Lots of love, Christina

DLaudner said...

How amazing!! The house is AWESOME!! It's a total Hill House!! It was great talking to you today. I am sooo happy for you and your men to start this new chapter in your lives together, it's really just the next step in forever and i can totally relate what an beautiful feeling it is.
Enjoy DECORATING!! Remember "shop n hide"!!
love you bunches,

Bordessa Family said...

Congrats on the new place, and welcome to NorCal!! I love blogs aren't they fun?? here is a link to ours!! love your updates hilary!!
xoxoxo Jackie