Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stopping to Smell the Roses

So, despite having found a house we love & getting an accepted offer, the chaos continues & has actually gone full throttle (or what I am thinking is full throttle - could it get worse? I am guessing the answer is "yes"!) The whole loan process has activated my ulcer & need for chocolate as a late night comfort to the stress I carry with me all day. I am vasilating between feelings of sheer exhiliration & nagging fear - which I think is normal for a first time home buyer, so I am just hanging on for the ride knowing that this will all be over & I will be putting the key in the door to my very own home before Santa can come down the chimney! Shannon can attest to the neurosis that came over me when we purchased our first car, & this purchase is MUCH bigger, so the neurosis is much more intense. Since Mike has been at work during the day & unable to go back & forth with different lenders & our agent, I have been the little business-woman, gathering al the information & then sharing it with Michael in the evenings so we can make decisions on how to proceed with things. It has been a great educational experience, but overall this is not something I have enjoyed doing. There is definately a reason I chose a career in healthcare - I am not fully capable of taking the personal aspect out of business & business should not be personal.

Yesterday was a gorgeous Chico day; sunny with a bit of fall briskness in the air. Miles & I took a moment to hang in my parents beautiful backyard. We watched the birds & squirrils play & cut a beautiful bouquet of fragrant yellow roses from one of my parents bushes. It felt so good to just get away from the phone & put aside any worries to enjoy the day that will never again return & my precious baby boy. He was so cute sitting in his big boy "strolly" with his beanie on watching me intently as I cut the roses off the bushes. He LOVES smelling the flowers & I have found that his favorite (just like Mom!) are gardenias. He hasn't quite got the hang of gently touching the flowers & goes to grab at them with his herculean grip (it really is amazing how strong baby hands can be!) I have to be careful because the minute the flower is in his hand he tries to put in right in his mouth. Cute, but very dangerous!

Speaking of the Moose, he has been exceptionally adorable the past few days. He unleashes the most adorable laughter that lights up his entire face when I anticipate tickling his tummy, giving him eskimo kisses or play peek-a-boo. He has started to try to "give mommy kisses" on request & grabs my neck while lunging at my face with an open drool covered mouth. It's the best. He is not crawling yet, but he is really thinking about it. I can watch his little brain trying to figure out how he is going to move his body to get to the TV changer mommy put out of reach. He is starting to figure out how his body is supposed to move while crawling when he is laying on his back. It is so cute; I will put him on his changing pad & he will just start moving his arms & legs back & forth like he is dancing up a storm (Let me bring to mind Lynelles's boyfriend as a visual for some of you) I can wait a few more weeks for this milestone, though. I am still enjoying being able to comfortably put him in one place & walk out of the room briefly. And, I can tell that once this kid moves, he is going to be into EVERYTHING a'la Mason Chavis style. Healthy curiousity, I know, but extra work for Mom. Today we move on from pureed aspargus to apples (how exciting, huh?) but I am super excited because I am so over aspargus smelling baby pee.

Gotta go check in on the little one ;)

1 comment:

Monty said...

Miss you Hillary! I´m so excited that you got your offer accepted on a house! We are still in Argentina and will be leaving in a few more days. It has been a fantastic honeymoon! but back to reality. Wish you still were in Orange County, definitely miss you guys.