Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. From all the texts & emails that have gone around, I think it is safe to say that we were all thankful for our delicious Thanksgiving feast (amongst many, many other things)! Our little family spent the day relaxing at my parent's house with my parents & brother. My Mom was up by 6 a.m. to start the Turkey & stuffing. It was great to have the early morning company because Miles has been waking up at 5:45 & turkey day was no exception! As the morning went by & the turkey was getting done much faster than my Mom predicted, she vowed never again to wake up that early & start cooking! So, instead of a thanksgiving dinner, we had thanksgiving lunch at 1:30 - no less delicious, of course. And, since we were so stuffed from our lunch time feast, pie was for dinner. My Mom & I baked a pumpkin & pecan pie this year instead of buying of them, which was a first for us. They turned out delicious & were so much easier than I thought they would be to bake!

Miles was mystified by the whole Thanksgiving experience. He sat at the table, chewing on his frozen apple slice while staring at everyone shoving their faces with food with the cutest expression of total bewliderment. He was a great table guest, until nap time hit & then he was totally over the performance of chewing & chomping that had originally been so entertaining.

It turned out to be a gorgeous sunny day & everyone got to do exactly what they wanted to do after we finished eating. I snuck out to the "casita" & took a 2 hour nap (heavenly!), Mike & Uncle Bill E. watched the Sons of Anarchy finale and Grandma & Grandpa took Miles for a walk after he woke up from his nap. It was awesome.

So now I have been eating leftovers since Thursday. Turkey was great on day 1 but by day 3 I am kind of over it. What I am not over, though, are the Ruth Chris "clog your arteries but can pass as something sort of healthy" sweet potatoes we made this year. Soooo tremendous. You must try them if you have not yet. Just google the recipe ;)

1 comment:

Christina said...

Man! I didn't even get pumpkin pie this year! The person in charge, I won't name any names, burnt it! So we were all S.O.L.! Next year I am buying a couple from Bakers Square!!