Friday, November 21, 2008

Miles - 6 months

It's hard to believe that in just 2 days, my little baby will be 7 months old! People told me time would go by fast & I can't say how right they were about that. Miles changed so much in this last month & each day gets better & better with him. I think he is thriving on all the interaction with family and although Mommy & Daddy are super excited to move into our new house in a couple weeks, I have a feeling that Miles would not be so excited if he were aware of what was going on. I know he is really going to miss morning songs from Grandma Kisses, afternoon visits from Uncle Bill E. & laying on Grandpa's chest to explore his shirt pocket full of treasures.

This month, Miles really found his voice & began to get "mobile". His more frequent vocalizations started with screeches & cave-man like yells/grunts that were experimentations of his vocal capabilities. The sounds have evolved into sweet "ga-gu-ya-bu" babblings he makes to himself, to me or a favorite toy in conversation. As of 2 days ago, he consistently says "Mama" (as witnessed by Daddy, Grandma & Uncle Bill E. - I thought I was crazy when I first heard it!). When I am away from him, he will say "mama, mama" & look around for me until I enter the room or turn & look at him; then I am rewarded with a big Miles Alexander ear to ear smile. Hopefully, "Dada" will be coming out of those little pipes very soon!

He was rolling back-tummy-back pretty early on, but in this past month he discovered how to use this skill to make his way around the room. He is also really trying to figure out crawling right now and will frantically move his legs back & forth while beached on his tummy or work tirelessly to get his knees under his butt to propel himself forward with a mighty push. He was never a baby that liked standing much, but this past month he has loved it. I put him at the couch or chair & he just holds on, standing all by himself with me there for a "spot", & bangs away in pure joy. Can you tell I am so proud!

In his 6th month he experienced his first Halloween & dressed up as a baby dino for the occasion. Mommy & Daddy missed the actual event, but we had a special dress up celebration a couple days later! He has discovered grass, balloons, flowers & squirrels. He has fallen in LOVE with shiny's (any shiny object!). His favorite book is "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?" & he cracks up when I make all the different sounds - especially "buzz" & "hoo-hoo". In fact, a guarenteed way to get a good laugh out of our baby man is to surprise him (peek-a-boo, etc.) or really build up in anticipation before going in for eskimo kisses or raspberries on his tummy/cheeks.

In the last month, Miles graduated to a big boy carseat (my moose outweighs the safety guidelines for his infant carrier!) & started eating big boy food (which means he started producing big boy poops that go right to the outside trash!) He hasn't shown too much opposition to any of the foods I have given him, but by far his favorite is butternut squash & his least favorite is asparagus. He eats his food in his Stokke tripp trapp chair, which has been so awesome for me because he will sit in it & play forever! Typically, he still loves to be carried around all day long, so this chair has been a blessing to all of our aching backs! of the last 3 nights, he is sleeping through to 6 a.m. & no longer wanting to be fed at 4 or 5 a.m.. This is awesome because it means Mike can see him before he leaves for work, but a bit of a bummer for me because I now get up at 6 instead of 7:30. Totally worth it, though, because I know it makes Mike's day!
I really can't believe he is going to be 7 months old, but I know Mike & I are both looking foarward to all the great stuff that Miles will bust out with this next month. So far, he has really been an amazing baby & I only pray that he continues on this way ;)


The Bradys said...

hes getting so big! i love hearing all the fun milestones! and yayyyy for sleeping thru the night! ya 6am sucks! but im sure he will stretch it out a bit further in the next few months. at least til 7!! keep posting pics of the smiling chunkamonk!i love it!

Coldani Family said...

HI Guys!!!

Great to hear from you!!! He is darling! And so funny we were married on the same day! I was just thinking of you guys we were in SLO a couple weeks ago and reminising. So exciting for your house, congrats. Where in Placer County? Glad you are back in NorCal, its the best.;) Email me if you get a chance so we can catch up.