Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just having a "bowl"!

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend everyone! I forgot to post this on Wednesday...

There are times as a new Mom where I want to go buy every Baby Einstein DVD & developmental toy on the market. This usually occurs around the time that I get my pediatric therapy catalogues or a new Parents magazine in the mail. And then a day like yesterday occurs. I sit my 7 month old son down who has wanted nothing more than to be held by Mommy all day long. I give him a metal bowl. I get 30 minutes of unitterupted Mommy time while he bangs & swats away at this amazing invention.

As I think on this & reflect a bit, I have to admit that Miles's favorite toys (that provide at least an hour of enjoyment at a time) are, & have been, tupperware lids, bowls, spoons, straws & washcloths! I hope I remember this as I stare at all the sparkling new toys in the aisle at Target in these weeks leading up to Christmas, tempted to fill my cart with more toys than our family room can handle!

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