Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Home Inspection

Today Michael & I had the home inspection done for our soon be new home! It was so exciting to get to be in our house again & I have been looking forward to this day since the last time I was in the house. If we didn't live 70 miles away from the house right now, I would probably drive by everyday & have picnics with Miles in the backyard! Walking through the house again, I had so much fun picturing how we could lay out our furniture & day dreaming about all the stuff I could buy to make our house perfect (don't worry honey, I don't have any shopping sprees on the calander just yet!). The home inspection went great & the inspector told us that he thinks we got a real "find". That made me feel so good to hear since this is the BIGGEST purchase of our lives!!! Nice to know we aren't throwing down all our savings to move into a lemon.

It is hard to believe that we will be moving in just 2.5 weeks. The time will go so fast with Thanksgiving next week (yeah, it is next week; crazy, huh?). Sadly, we won't be coming down to the OC at Christmas time as we had originally thought we might. I can't say too much about this because it makes me so sad. Even though I am so excited about all that is happening for us in our new location, I miss our friends & family terribly. I have teared up so many times in the last week from just hearing the voices of Amy, Shannon & our sweet little Morgan over the phone. I try to look on the positive side of things when I feel these rushes of sad emotions, and think of how wonderful it will be to have Christmas in our very own house! My Mom brought it to my attention that having Christmas at our house means cooking Christmas dinner for the fam, though, & prime rib was suggested. What? Does Trader Joes have a frozen version of that? Because if they don't, I could be in BIG trouble...

1 comment:

Caley said...

how fun!! to be in your new home by chirstmas.... I hope everything is going okay with the loan!! :)